Thursday 30 October 2014

Enjoy a Happy Healthy Halloween

Five Fun Facts About Healthy Halloween Snacks:

October is National Dental Hygiene Month! It’s probably not a coincidence that this falls on the same month as Halloween, a celebration notorious for sugary treats and candy-filled feasts.

The American Dental Hygienist Association reminds us that while it’s okay to indulge in some Halloween sweets, we still need to maintain healthy dental habits to prevent tooth decay and disease.

1. Is one type of candy better than another?

Dr. Pamela Lindor weighs in saying that dark chocolate may be slightly better.  But really, “Anything in small amounts, or for special occasions, is fine.” “Dark chocolate contains higher levels of antioxidants than other forms of chocolate however, chocolate is not considered a ‘health food’,” adds Dr. Douglas Fronzaglia And one final advice about chocolates: Dr. Lonna Larsh says that “If your chocolate is less that 70% cocoa, it is dessert. If it is >70%, it is therapeutic in small quantities. Chocolate is usually very high in saturated fat, which is why you should only eat small quantities.”

2. What are some healthy alternatives to holiday candy?

Dr. Anthony La Barbera recommends the following:

Sugar free treats.
Limited sugary treats.
Fruit and nuts.
For other healthy snacks, Dr. Yolanda Wade recommends:

Cheese sticks/cubes

3. Is it okay to eat a piece of candy every now and then?

Dr. Ratna Dhingra says that “A candy now and then is fine.”  She goes on to emphasize that complex sugars—like those found in fruits such as cherries and strawberries—are better. While Dr. Neigatha Graney advices that “Enjoying candy in limited quantity is allowed. Processed foods are often sweetened with table sugar (sucrose), fructose (fruit juices), or corn syrup and offers minimal nutrition or fiber but lots of calories. Complex sugars found in fruits, vegetables offer nutrients, fiber & more. Do limit Carb intake to 45-65% daily calories.”

4. Is sugar-free candy okay?

Dr. Rachel Chastanet says yes, in moderation.  “Sugar Free does not mean free of calories, and sugar free candy generally is made with sugar alcohols.  Sugar Alcohols are poorly and incompletely absorbed by the intestines, so eating a lot will give you bad gas and diarrhea. Taken in moderation, sugar free candy is better for your teeth than regular candy, and is a useful tool for diabetics and people on low carbohydrate diets.” “Depends on sweetener,” says Dr. Melissa Young. “Some sugar free candies are calorie free but some are not. Part of it depends on the sweetener used. Sugar alcohols can still raise your sugar. And some sugar free foods have just as many calories as the “regular” version, so they may not raise your blood sugar as much, but “lots” will cause weight gain and eventual increase in blood sugar. “lots” of anything is bad.”

5. What is the best kind of holiday candies to get that do the least damage to children’s teeth?

Dr. Arnold Malerman says to give chocolate as an occasional treat. “Stay away from hard candy…sticky candy and starches that linger on the teeth. Drink a glass of water to help clear the sugars off the teeth. Remember, all things in moderation.” One final advice from a dentist: “The least damaging candies are sugar free and sweetened with xylitol. You may be able to find them at a health food store in your area. Too much xylitol can cause stomach discomfort so don’t overdo it. Uncoated gummy candies are alright due to their non-sticky properties.” - Dr. Charles Kattuah

From: HealthTap

Contact Details:

Brigitte Brynard:
082 965 87 96

Rudi Brynard:
072 436 7681


Tuesday 28 October 2014

Infant Immune Support

News You Can Use!

Prenatal DHA Intake also Associated with Infant Immune Support.

The importance of DHA during pregnancy may not only help with early brain and visual development but according to a recent study, DHA intake during pregnancy may also help reduce the incidents of colds and duration of cold symptoms in infants.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled terial published in Pediatrics, infants born to mothers who took DHA supplements during pregnancy, experienced shorter duration of cold symptoms such as cough, phlegm and wheezing at 1 month compared to infants of mothers taking a placebo.
At 3 months, duration of illness was 14% less for infants in the group had 20%, 13%, 54%, 23% and 25% shorter duration of fever, nasal secretion, difficulty breathing, rash and "other illness", respectively.

Vision and Brain Development

News You Can Use!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Vision and Brain Development!

The amount of essential fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3) available to the fetus depends upon how much of each of these the mothers eats.
Studies suggest if that mother-to-be consumes a typical Western diet the fetus will have access to a much higher concentration of omega 6's than omega 3's.
This in balance may be even more pronounced in pregnant women because many choose to avoid eating fish (one of the richest dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids) 
because of fears of mercury and other toxins present in the fish supply.

Ensuring adequate intakes of omega 3's is particularly important before, during and after pregnancy.

In fact, the Federal Drug Administration/Environmental Protection Agency Fish Consumption Advisory informs women who may become pregnant, pregnant women, nourishing mothers and the parents of young children, about minimizing mercury exposure (for example, shark, swordfish, tile-fish and king mackerel).
However, ensuring adequate intakes of omega 3's id particularly important before, during and after pregnancy.
DHA is an omega 3 fatty acid that plays an important role in early brain and visual development and as such should be available to the growing fetus during gestation via the mother's diet and continued during lactation and throughout the first several years of a child's life.
To ensure women of reproductive age are consuming enough DHA, use of a pure fish oil supplement starting at the time of conception and throughout pregnancy and lactation should be considered.

Contact Details:

Brigitte Brynard:
082 965 87 96

Rudi Brynard:
072 436 7681


Deficiency In Pregnancy

News You Can Use!

Iodine Deficiency In Pregnancy Tied to Kids'Poor Test Scores.

Iodine is a trace mineral and essential component of the thyroid hormones triidothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), and is therefore required for normal thyroid function.
These hormones also help regulate metabolism and are important for proper bone and brain development in infants, especially during pregnancy.
According to data from the National Health Examination and Nutrition Survey (NHANES 2005-2008), more than 50% of pregnant women surveyed were considered iodine insufficient.
And according to a new study conducted in Australia, mothers who are mildly iodine deficient are more likely to have children who perform poorly in spelling, grammar and literacy.
In this study, researchers compared the standardized test scores of nine year old children born to women who's urinary iodine levels indicated a mild deficiency during pregnancy to the children of women whose iodine levels were considered sufficient.
The children of women who were iodine deficient scored significantly worse in the areas of spelling and grammar and scored about 6% lower on English literacy scores compared to children of women with sufficient levels of iodine while pregnant.

Folic Acid and Choline for Prevention of Birth Defects

News You Can Use

Prevention of Birth Defects.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control), the US Preventive Health Task Force, and the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science Institute of Medicine all recommend that women of reproductive age should be advised to consume 400 ug of folic acid daily obtained from fortified foods or supplements, for both.
That's because this B vitamin is especially important during phases of rapid cell growth and because of its involvement in the synthes of DNA and other cell components.
It is clear from clinical trial evidence that when women take folic acid supplements periconceptionally, a substantial proportion of neural tube birth defects like spina bifida and anencepathy are prevented.
Scientists estimate that  periconception use of supplemental folic acid has the potential to reduce neural tube defects by 50% to 60%.
In addition, all women are advised to consume a balanced, healthy diet that includes folate-rich foods.
Folate is the form of the vitamin that occurs naturally in a variety of foods with spinach and other dark leafy greens, asparagus and brussel sprouts being some of the best sources.

Many women in their childbearing years also fall short on choline, another nutrient that appears to play a role in brain development and in preventing neural tube defects.
A case-controlled study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that insufficient maternal intakes of  choline during pregnancy were associated with a fourfold increase in the risk of having a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect.
Higher choline intake was also associated with a reduced risk of neural tube defects, independent of folate intake.
Women require 425 mgs of choline daily and more when pregnant and lactating.

Friday 24 October 2014

Contact Us

Contact Details:

Contact Details:
Brigitte Brynard:
082 965 87 96

Rudi Brynard:
072 436 7681


Good Nutrition During Pregnancy

News You Can Use: Part 3

How Much Weight Gain is Right?

The amount of weight gained during pregnancy can affect both the health of the mother and baby.
Gaining too much or too little weight can lead to premature births and babies that are born too small or too big, which in turn can impact a baby's future health.
Studies have found that excessive weight gain during pregnancy can actually increase the risk of childhood obesity. In one study that followed more than 2000 pregnant women and their offspring, children of mothers who gained excessive amounts of weight had more than four times the risk of being over weight at age 3, compared to children of mothers who gained an "inadequate" amount of weight. In another population-based study following 513,501 women and their 1,164,750 offspring, it was found that compared infants of women who gained 8-10 Kgs during pregnancy, infants of women who gained more than 24 Kgs during pregnancy were twice as likely to weigh more than 4 Kgs at birth. Based upon these studies and other evidence, the Institute of Medicine recommends the amount of weight gained during pregnancy be adjusted depending on a woman's pre-pregnancy bidy weight and Body Mass Index (BMI).

Calcium to Help Build Strong Bones.

It has been frequently reported that women of childbearing age do not consume the dietary reference intake for calcium. Women who chronically consume suboptimal amounts of calcium (<500 mg/day) may therefore be at risk for increased bone loss during pregnancy. The recommended dietary intake for calcium for pregnant women is 1,00 mg a day and some of the best food sources include milk, yogurt, cheese and some dark leafy green vegetables. Taking supplemental calcium may also be helpful to ensure needs are met, especially for women following a vegan diet.

Vitamin D is Important for Both Mom and Baby.

Recent evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency is common during pregnancy especially among vegetarians, women with limited sun exposure, and certain ethnic groups with darker skin. In newborns, maternal vitamin D deficiencies have been associated with skeletal disorders such as rickets and bone fractures. Recent studies suggest that insufficient maternal vitamin D levels may also increase risk of mothers developing gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy).
In a 2012 meta-analysis, researchers found 83% of the studies identified reporting an inverse relationship between circulating vitamin D levels and markers of glucose homeostasis associated with gestational diabetes, or an increased risk of gestational diabetes associated with reduced maternal levels of vitamin D. Although more studies are needed to determine if optimizing vitamin D status during pregnancy with supplemental vitamin D can help, ensuring adequate vitamin D intakes during preconception seems prudent.
This is important since uncontrolled gestational diabetes is associated with a number of health issues for newborns and mothers. In newborns these include excessive birth weight, premature birth and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life, while in mothers there is an increased risk of high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and a future increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

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Pregnancy Planning Starts with Good Nutrition

News You Can Use: Part 2

While many women may wait for a positive pregnancy test as the green light for improving their diet such as stopping alcoholic beverage consumption, and generally adopting healthy lifestyle habits, research suggests that a mom's habits before conception also influence her baby's well-being at birth and for his or her entire lifetime. Because many pregnancies are not planned and the developing foetus is highly susceptible to birth defects and other problems during the first few weeks of pregnancy (when many women may not even realise that they are pregnant), achieving healthy weight and getting the recommended amounts of essential nutrients like calcium, folic acid, essential fatty acids and choline before pregnancy, is particularly important.
Striving to eat a healthy diet rich in a variety of foods is key to getting proper nutrition to ensure optimal maternal health. Most nutrition experts agree that preconception planning for all women should include advice to start taking a prenatal multivitamin/mineral supplement.

A Healthier Weight Equals a Healthier Pregnancy.

In the United States, more than one half of pregnant women are over weight or obese, and 8% of reproductive-aged women are extremely obese, putting them at a greater risk of pregnancy complications. Reducing kilojoules through physical activity, can help achieve a healthier weight before becoming pregnant. The use of meal replacement drinks rich in high quality protein may help boost success, too. In a recent randomised, controlled study, researchers investigated the effect of an energy-restricted diet with or without meal replacements in a group of overweight women. After 12 weeks, both groups lost weight, however the rate of responders (a weight loss of >5%) was higher among the meal replacement users (77%) compared to the control group (50%).

Common Myths About Pregnancy Weight Gain.

Myth 1: I need to "eat for two".

Not True!
Eating for two is not necessary. In fact eating for two may cause you to gain too much weight, which is not good for you or your baby. During the first trimester, you don't require any extra kilojoules. During the second trimester 1400 additional kilojoules a day are recommended and during the last trimester that number increases to 1800 additional kilojoules per day.

Myth 2: The more weight I gain, the healthier my baby will be.

Wrong Again!
Gaining too much weight can increase your risk of having a C-section, early delivery, or a bigger baby, which can complicate the birthing process.

Myth 3: I'm at my ideal weight so I don't have to worry about how much weight I gain during pregnancy.

How much weight you need to gain during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor. If you are at an ideal body weight at the time you become pregnant, the average recommended weight gain during pregnancy is between 11-16 Kgs.

Intake Reports:

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Nutrition & Fitness for Moms-to-be

News You Can Use: Part 1

How Exciting!

How exciting to be getting ready for this special time of your life!
You can plan for that dream nursery, those cute little baby outfits and everything else to welcome your precious little one into this world; but the single most important thing you can do for your baby and yourself is to ensure adequate nutrition and fitness during this defining time of your lives.

A healthy diet is a woman's best friend. It helps boost energy levels, supports mental health, helps you maintain a healthy weight and look your best no matter what stage of life you're in. But,a woman's reproductive years are especially demanding when it comes to good nutrition.
In fact pregnancy and breastfeeding are two of the most nutritionally demanding times in a woman's life because it's the time when the body needs enough nutrients to support the growth and development of a baby, while maintaining the health of the mother's bod. Recent research also reveals the importance of mom's nutritional status on the future health of her child. That's why this particular issue of News You Can Use is dedicated to moms-to-be around the world, bringing you the latest research highlights in the area of proper nutrition before, during and after pregnancy.

Daily Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy-

Overall health, growth and for blood production.

Omega-3 fatty acids/DHS-
Brain and vision development.

Cell formation membrane and brain development.

Vitamin A-
Growth and development, healthy skin, teeth, bones, immune function and vision.

Vitamin B(6)-
Red blood cells formation.

Vitamin B(12)-
Red blood cells formation.

Vitamin C-
Repair, resistance to infection, and collagen formation.

Vitamin D-
Aids in calcium absorption, and bone mineralisation.

Vitamin E-
Antioxidant and protects cell membranes.

Vitamin K-
Blood clotting and bone development.

Bones and teeth formation and proper muscle and nerve function.

Prevents neural tube defects in the foetus; for blood and protein production and cell division.

Thyroid hormone production, regulation of metabolism.

Production of haemoglobin, that helps transport oxygen.

For strong bones and proper nerve and muscle function.

Healthy skin, nerves, and digestion; helps the body metabolise carbohydrates.

For the growth and health of bones and teeth.

Aids in the release of energy cells.

Helps metabolise carbohydrates into energy.

Aids in the production of many different enzymes and insulin.

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GNLD - Family Brands

Golden Home Care, NeoLife nutritionals, Nutriance personal care

For decades we have proudly represented the name GNLD - a name that reflects the unification of three formerly independent companies: Golden, Neolife and Diamite. This resulted in the gathering of all the companies and their products and Distributors and brought them together under a single unified GNLD name with little to no mention of the former companies names.

However, through market research and exploration, we have identified that these brands still carry a significant amount of brand equity in the many regions in which they were first introduced. To capitalize on this untapped brand equity and build on the considerable recognition these names still have, we are in the process of bringing back the Golden and NeoLife company brands. These brands are testament to our heritage and will be at the forefront when talking about our product lines.

The re-emergence of the GNLD family of brands has already begun with the new Pro Vitality+ being the first nutritional to be released with the NeoLife branding. Other products will follow over time as will other brands such as Golden, which will soon represent the Home Care product range.

Many other successful companies have adopted strategies like PepsiCo, who has brands like Gatorade, Quaker Oats, and Simba Chips. Even other companies in the direct selling and health industries have embraced a family of brands.

Distributors all over the world have been requesting a strategic move like this one and we feel now is the perfect time to implement it. We are confident that this decision will lead to great opportunities among Distributors and the industry.

We thank you for your dedication to GNLD and look forward as we take this journey together.

Golden Home Care

Our Golden Home Care products have been "green" since the 1960's, long before it became the fashion. Our earth-friendly, low-dose, low-burden cleaning technology maximizes performance with a minimum amount of product. No toxic fumes, no harsh chemicals.

NeoLife Nutritionals

All of our nutritional products fall under the distinction of our NeoLife brand. NeoLife means "new life", which symbolizes the power of giving your body the nutrients required to live a life full of health and vitality. With over 50 years of proven product, NeoLife Nutritionals offer the highest quality whole food nutrition that is Based in Nature and Backed by Science.

Nutriance Personal Care

The Nutriance brand name represents our Personal Care products. Formulated in laboratories in Switzerland under the strict guidance of GNLD's Scientific Advisory Board, Nutriance products have been clinically tested and proven in the most prestigious cosmetics testing facility in France.

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Dear GNLD Family Member

Founder's Message

Founder Jerry Brassfield

When I built my business it didn't take long to realize that it was only as strong as the relationships it was built with.
People with whom I fostered real connections with were more likely to stick with me through ups and downs and believe that I could help them to accomplish their dreams.
I'd like to share some of what I've learned through the years about building relationships.

There are many principles that work together towards building strong relationships and here are the ones that I have found to be the most important.

1. Be sincere-

This is an attribute that is absolutely necessary when trying to build a relationship with someone. It can mean the difference between success or failure when implementing some of the other principles that I have listed next.

2. Focus on being interested, not interesting-

When you show a genuine interest in others, they will naturally be interested in you. Spend more time getting to know the other person rather than trying to prove them how smart you are or how interesting you can be. In combination with sincerity, this will let the other person know you care about them.

3. Be a good listener-

Listen to the needs and interests of the other person and center your conversations around them. This will naturally lead you to find areas in which you can help that person, whether financial or physical.

4. Be understanding-

Don't get upset if someone doesn't agree with you or tries to argue about why the products aren't for them. Just remember that it's not their fault that they don't know what you know about the products and that is why you can help them. Encourage others and give them a wakeup call about their health. Also keep in mind that most sales are not made on the 1st or 2nd encounter but rather they are most often made on the 9th! So keep calm and carry on with a great attitude and optimistic outlook.

5. Be someone you would want to spend time with-

Would you want to spend time with someone who is grumpy? Or someone who is lazy? Or rude? Then you shouldn't be those things either! Remember that people buy people first, not products. This means that you should focus on being someone that enhances the lives of others, someone who is enjoyable to be around, and someone who cares about others. A great place to start with is a simple smile and a passion for what you do.

6. Remember Romans 8:28-

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." This means that both successes and failures will ultimately work towards good. We can without hesitation say 'thank you' for every circumstance that comes our way and remain positive about the future. Positivity, much like negativity, is contagious, but unlike negativity, it will benefit those around you.

People all over the world saying 'Yes' to the GNLD and NeoLife Opportunity are doing so because they want to change lives: their own life as well as the lives of others. But once someone has made the decision to be in the business, now that person must take steps in order to accomplish the life changing they set out to do in the first place. This process starts with building relationships that lead to trust and that trust translates into a strong network of Distributors and customers.

Thank you for saying 'Yes' to the Opportunity and helping change lives around the world.

God Bless,
Jerry Brassfield,

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Monday 20 October 2014

October Month Is Care Month


The month of October.

We chose to give Care the spotlight for the month of October.
Across the world people are struggling to battle illnesses due to the lack of immunity and the overwhelming pollution!
It's time we stopped wasting our lives and polluting our planet, at the end of the day we only have one life and we only have one earth!

Why Care?

Why should we care to use Care? The answer is simple, everyday we are exposed to germs, everyday we risk infection. Care kills the germs while leaving no print on the environment!

Our Mission for October.

We aren't here to tell you how to live your live but we are here to give you the option to improve your live and help minimize the negative effects we have on our planet.

Switch to Care for your disinfectant and care will cleanse your living environment and will NOT cause harm to our planet.

Your Mission for October.

It's your turn to help earth, it's your responsibility as much as everyone else's to stop the corruption of our world and to start the cleaning of it.

How Can You Help?

There are many ways to help this cause, many organisations saving animals and plants on a daily basis. All we ask is that you change to an environmentally friendly way of life and help spread the word.

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Wednesday 8 October 2014

Zinc Beats the Common Cold

GNLD's Zinc Beats the Common Cold:

The common cold is one of the most frequently occurring human illnesses in the world. More than 200 viruses can cause common colds in adults, including rhinoviruses (the most frequent cause), parainfluenza viruses, and others. In the United States each year, adults develop an average of two to four colds a year, and children develop an average of six to eight colds per year.

A number of controlled studies have shown that supplemental zinc had a beneficial effect in providing relief of cold symptoms. A 1996 study tested the efficacy of zinc gluconate lozenges in reducing the duration of symptoms caused by the common cold in 100 people who developed colds within 24 hours before enrolling in the study. Based on daily symptom scores for cough, headache, hoarseness, muscle ache, nasal drainage, nasal congestion, scratchy throat, sore throat, sneezing, and fever, the study showed that the time to complete resolution of symptoms was significantly shorter in patients taking zinc than in a placebo group. In fact, zinc reduced the duration of cold symptoms by an average of three days.

GNLD Chelated Zinc Golden Products

Chelated Zinc

Zinc is needed in over 100 enzymes and involved in a myriad of essential body functions. It functions as an antioxidant and is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and the activation of vitamins, especially B vitamins. GNLD provides high purity and potency zinc, plus amino acid chelation for improved absorption.

Why Zinc?

Zinc is needed in over 100 enzymes and involved in a myriad of essential body functions.
Zinc functions as an antioxidant.
Zinc is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
Zinc is involved in the activation of vitamins, especially B vitamins.
Because the best food sources of zinc are meat and seafood, vegetarian or low-meat diets may provide less than the 12-15 mg of zinc required daily for optimal well-being.

Why GNLD Chelated Zinc?

Highest potence and purity - our pharmaceutical-grade zinc base provides both high purity and high potency.
In our unique chelation process, pharmaceutical-grade zinc is reacted with the amino acid methionine. In this process, two amino acid molecules bond with each zinc atom to form our exclusive 2-to-1 zinc amino acid chelate. Tests show that amino acid chelation improves zinc absorption.

Product Features:

Pharmaceutical-grade raw material provides high purity and high potency.
Amino acid chelation for improved absorption.

The Chelated Zinc Story

Zinc was first shown to be biologically important more than 100 years ago when it was found to be needed for the growth of certain bacteria. In the 1920s, it was demonstrated to be required for the growth of rats. In the 1960s, zinc was shown to be an essential nutrient for humans.

Zinc performs numerous functions within our bodies. Zinc is:

Involved in the absorption and activity of vitamins, especially B-complex vitamins.
A component of insulin.
A component of 25 enzymes related to digestion, including digestion of carbohydrates and alcohol.
Involved in the production of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA, which encode our genetic information.
Essential for normal growth and development of reproductive organs.
Essential for normal prostate function.
An important factor in the healing of wounds and burns.
Required for normal skin, bones, and hair.
Required in respiration for the proper transfer of carbon dioxide, a waste product, in red blood cells.
Necessary for normal appetite and the ability to taste properly.

Trace Mineral with Healing Power:

Dramatic evidence of the healing powers of zinc has been reported by medical research teams. In one study, ulcer patients who did not test deficient in zinc were given zinc supplements; a second group was given placebos. The ulcers in the zinc treatment group healed at three times the rate of the placebo group, and complete healing of ulcers occurred more often among the patients taking zinc.

Recent research has indicated that zinc supplementation may be recommended for elderly patients who have bedsores or are at risk of developing them.

Zinc has also been associated with reduced risk of damage to the retina that sometimes occurs in patients with diabetes. Diabetics tend to have low blood levels of zinc. One study has shown that diabetics with retinal damage have even lower zinc levels than diabetics with no retinal damage. Similarly, some studies indicate that zinc may help prevent macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness.

Prostate enlargement, a common condition that occurs in men as they get older, may be relieved with zinc supplementation. Studies have shown that men suffering prostate enlargement tend to have low levels of zinc in prostatic fluids, and supplementation can raise these levels and reduce the enlargement. In one study, 14 out of 19 patients treated with zinc supplements had shrinkage of the prostate after two months.

Zinc supplementation may also be important for postmenopausal women. Although most women lack sufficient calcium in their diets, when daily intake exceeds 1,000 mg, zinc absorption may be impeded. Because calcium intake is so important, researchers suggest that zinc supplementation may offset any negative effects of raising the daily intake of calcium after menopause.

Zinc Beats the Common Cold:

The common cold is one of the most frequently occurring human illnesses in the world. More than 200 viruses can cause common colds in adults, including rhinoviruses (the most frequent cause), parainfluenza viruses, and others. In the United States each year, adults develop an average of two to four colds a year, and children develop an average of six to eight colds per year.

A number of controlled studies have shown that supplemental zinc had a beneficial effect in providing relief of cold symptoms. A 1996 study tested the efficacy of zinc gluconate lozenges in reducing the duration of symptoms caused by the common cold in 100 people who developed colds within 24 hours before enrolling in the study. Based on daily symptom scores for cough, headache, hoarseness, muscle ache, nasal drainage, nasal congestion, scratchy throat, sore throat, sneezing, and fever, the study showed that the time to complete resolution of symptoms was significantly shorter in patients taking zinc than in a placebo group. In fact, zinc reduced the duration of cold symptoms by an average of three days.

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms:

The most common cause of zinc deficiency is an unbalanced diet, although other factors may be responsible. For example, the consumption of alcohol may precipitate a zinc deficiency by flushing stored zinc out of the liver and into the urine.

In addition, zinc is poorly absorbed. Although the healthy human body contains about 2.2 g of zinc - more than any other trace mineral except iron - less than 10% of dietary zinc is absorbed.

The average consumption of zinc in the U.S. is 12.7 mg daily, but vegetarian and low-protein diets may provide less, as most of the best sources of zinc are meat, including oysters, liver, beef, pork, lamb, and poultry. Other good sources include spices, wheat bran and wheat germ, nuts and peanut butter, cheddar cheese, and popcorn.

Lack of zinc in the human diet has been studied extensively in Egypt and Iran, where a major constituent of the diet is unleavened bread prepared from wheat flour high in phytates which limits absorption of zinc. Zinc deficiencies have also been observed in young children from U.S. middle class homes who consume less than an ounce of meat per day.

Zinc deficiency is characterized by loss of appetite, stunted growth in children, skin changes, loss of taste sensitivity, dull hair, white spots on fingernails, and delayed healing of wounds. In experimental animals, zinc deficiency during pregnancy has resulted in malformation and behavioural disturbances in the offspring - a finding which suggests that the same thing may happen to human foetuses.

GNLD Delivers Natural Amino Acid Chelated Zinc:

Zinc comes in a number of varieties and potencies. GNLD chose the best of both. Our pharmaceutical-grade zinc is both high purity and high potency.

In our unique chelation process, pharmaceutical-grade zinc is reacted with the amino acid methionine. In this process, two amino acid molecules bond with each zinc atom to form our exclusive 2-to-1 zinc-amino acid chelate. Tests show that amino acid chelation improves zinc absorption.

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GNLD Aloe Vera Plus Golden Products

The effects of herbs and aloe have remained a mystery of nature for thousands of years.

Throughout history people have supported the use of aloe and herbs to help relieve headaches, upset stomachs and many other ailments of the body. Even though there is little laboratory evidence to support claims made through the years, there is likewise no hard evidence to the contrary.


Highest quality imported, natural Aloe Vera.
Sweetened with fructose.
Contains Chamomile and Ginseng.


Guaranteed fresh and potent.
Contains only natural flavours.
A nutritional drink enhanced with two of the most widely used of all herbs.

The Mystery of Aloe Vera

So-called “folk” remedies have proliferated throughout the many ages of mankind. In fact, almost the entire development of what we now refer to as “modern” medicine has taken place in the last two centuries, and most of that in the past fifty years. Two hundred years of giant strides have unquestionably lengthened life expectancies and provided many preventive solutions to age-old maladies. But, somehow the human species has survived, and often thrived, for thousands of centuries without the benefits of “modern” medicine. How could that occur? Because nature, which provides man with materials for nutrition (food), materials for shelter (wood, mud, stone, etc.)... materials, in fact, for every aspect of life (water, air, sunlight, etc.), also provides man with materials for renewal and rebuilding (penicillin, for example, may be refined and processed from simple bread moulds).

It is highly probable that the Aloe Vera plant of today differs very little from its form when dinosaurs roamed the earth. It is speculation, of course, but it is not too difficult to imagine early man gratefully rubbing the Aloe Vera juice on the badly damaged skin he must certainly have suffered in his first fumbling attempts to master the use of fire. Somehow, a belief in the properties of Aloe Vera has apparently followed mankind throughout the time of his reign on earth - all the way to the present.

Aloe Vera users today acclaim an almost unlimited variety of applications. What is the truth about Aloe Vera?

The truth is - nobody really knows. The “mystery” of Aloe Vera remains a scientific riddle after centuries of intensely concentrated research in many countries all over the world. Yet, ever-greater numbers of people swear by it for relief of a wide variety of ailments and general restoration of vitality in old, tired bodies, and the like. Does it work? For thousands of years millions have thought so... yet the mystery remains.

GNLD makes no claims for the functions of GNLD Aloe Vera-Plus beyond its exceptional purity, safety and consistency. They painstakingly processed this wholly naturally occurring product and added herbal extracts of Chamomile and Ginseng, all used and cherished throughout man’s history. They then put the GNLD name and reputation behind it - even though there is very little hard laboratory evidence to substantiate the myriad of claims made by millions of users over a period of many recorded centuries. Why? Because there is absolutely no hard evidence to refute those claims. And every once in a while - rarely - the tides of scientific acceptance are turned by the tidal wave of public acceptance.

GNLD’s Aloe Vera-Plus. It just might make you a believer!

People often try to solve their physical and mental problems created by day-to-day pressures by turning to alcohol and drugs. The medical community tries to solve this situation by recommending prescriptions for various drugs. This can often lead to the greater problem of drug dependency.

Today, people around the world are turning, as they have for centuries, to naturally occurring Aloe Vera products in an effort to deal with some of the negative elements associated with modern lifestyles.

Knowing this to be the case and knowing of Aloe Vera’s illustrious history, GNLD has applied that knowledge and developed GNLD Aloe Vera-Plus. But, as the name implies, this product goes beyond providing the benefits of naturally occurring Aloe Vera by including herbs for their folkloric benefits and fructose to offer quick energy. Aloe Vera-Plus is specially formulated and targeted to help your body overcome the impact brought on by today’s active lifestyle.

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