Thursday 11 September 2014

A Proud Day At The Office

Complimented on Our Service!

Today we received our first compliment via Twitter, Although we have been complimented many times before we were happy to see our Twitter account is worth while to our customers!

@GNLDRSA got the best service from you guys, thank you so much. Ordered yesterday, received my goodies today. :)

Our mission has always been to promote health and wealth to the public, realizing that we are achieving this goal makes us all proud to be in the line of work that we are.

Connect with us, ask us questions. We are here to help!

7 Weight Loss Revelations From Science

What are the secrets to successful weight loss?

And, what is the secret to keeping the weight off once it’s gone? According to members of the National Weight Control Registry in the United States, a group of 10,000 people (mostly women) who lost at least 13 kgs and have kept the weight off for a year or more, it’s no surprise - maintain a positive attitude; keep track of what you eat; weigh yourself once a week; and exercise regularly. These obvious lifestyle factors appear to be good predictors of success. But what else can you do to successfully lose the weight and keep it off? What are the latest scientific findings on this very important topic? In this particular issue of News You Can Use we've highlighted just that. We've got the latest scientific breakthroughs to share with you about how 7 simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can help you and those you care about achieve a new body and a better life!


High Protein Diets for Weight Loss, Increased Satiety, and Healthy Metabolism.


Muscle Up with a Combination of Soya and Milk Proteins.


Fill up on Fibre to Prevent Weight Gain.


Appetite and Weight Control –  The Role of Gut Hormones.


Consider Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil to Help Retain Muscle.


Timing of Meals May Be Important for Controlling Weight.


Keeping the Weight Off –  A Low Glycaemic Response Diet May Help.

Full Article

The GNLD Solution:

Proprietary Protein Blend

- 18g of high quality protein
- Biologically complete with all 22 amino acids
- Food based sources of protein for superior amino acid profile: Soya, Milk, Caseinates, Whey (Rich in muscle-retaining branched chain amino acid - Leucine).

Proprietary Fibre Blend

- 5g of fibre per serving
- From whole food sources - soya, oat and guar
- Contributes to a satisfying feeling of fullness

Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus

Clinically proven benefits
All eight omega-3 fatty acids including EPA, DHA, and more
Ultrapure, high potency fish oil


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Thursday 4 September 2014


PhytoDefence is the first product of its kind to offer scientifically-proven phytonutrient protection.

A convenient way to supplement the diet with a broad-spectrum of naturally occurring carotenoids, flavonoids and the active constituents in cruciferous vegetables; PhytoDefence delivers the equivalent of 6 optimal servings of whole food phytonutrient vegetables - 3 carotenoids, 2 flavonoids and 1 cruciferous serving. These are all known to play important roles in human nutrition and the body's general well-being - available in one convenient sachet.

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Wednesday 3 September 2014

Join Us!

Be a part of the most amazing company in the world!

Become a distributor for only (RSA) R500. Kit includes two bottles of Tre-En-En (60 Capsules) , your first 12 months registration as a GNLD distributor plus material for ordering products at a discount, and for sharing products with others.

To anyone living outside of South Africa, you are NOT excluded! We are INTERNATIONAL!

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Nutrishake is for Everyone!


Nutrishake is protein the whole family will love. Yummy and smooth in three delicious flavours - vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.

Nutrishake was developed specifically for families. GNLD wanted a protein drink that every member of the family would look forward to each day; a protein drink so quick and easy kids would stir it up for themselves; a protein drink that would supply a balanced abundance of all 22 amino acids the body needs each day, along with important amounts of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrient factors. GNLD achieved all this and more in Nutrishake.

Great taste, super convenience and a high quality source of protein make Nutrishake perfect for every family, every day. Mixed with lowfat milk, it’s a low kilojoule way to obtain protein, plus important vitamins and minerals. Nutrishake in the mornings provides sustained energy to help avoid a midmorning slump. In the afternoon, it’s a nourishing midday lift at work or afterschool snack to replace high-kilojoule sweets and snack foods.

Nutrishake flavour variety offers some fun choices, too! Mix Strawberry or Vanilla flavours in orange juice and pour over ice for a refreshing drink!

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A delicious, protein rich drink mix!

which provides high quality nutrition for the entire family. Nutrishake is a milk and soya based protein food which contains all 22 amino acids, in the balanced ratios your body needs.

High protein supplements have always been a great idea, but now more than ever. Many of the traditional family favourites we’ve counted on for our daily supply of protein are high in fat and cholesterol which have been linked directly to negative threats to our well-being. So, today we’re cutting down on eggs, red meat and dairy products. These are good dietary practices, but, at the same time, we may be cutting down on our intake of valuable high quality protein which could result in a protein deficiency.

What we need is a high protein food source that’s low in fat and cholesterol. High protein drinks would seem to be the perfect answer, but they have a chalky texture and a funny aftertaste that many people find unpleasant, especially kids. No matter how good it is for our bodies, if we don’t like it, we probably won’t drink it. And, if we don’t drink it, it won’t help us.

Protein Scorecard:

Glycemic edge, fructose won’t stimulate the release of energy-robbing insulin.
Protogard Process supports improved digestion and absorption.
Protein Sparing, readily available fructose, supplies energy, so protein is spared for body building and renewal tasks.
Protein efficiency ratio, the PER for Nutrishake is 2.4.
Protein energy curve for longlasting energy.
All 22 Amino Acids involved in human nutrition are supplied in each serving.

Nutrishake is for Everyone:

Nutrishake is protein the whole family will love. Yummy and smooth in three delicious flavours - vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.

Nutrishake was developed specifically for families. GNLD wanted a protein drink that every member of the family would look forward to each day; a protein drink so quick and easy kids would stir it up for themselves; a protein drink that would supply a balanced abundance of all 22 amino acids the body needs each day, along with important amounts of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrient factors. GNLD achieved all this and more in Nutrishake.

Great taste, super convenience and a high quality source of protein make Nutrishake perfect for every family, every day. Mixed with lowfat milk, it’s a low kilojoule way to obtain protein, plus important vitamins and minerals. Nutrishake in the mornings provides sustained energy to help avoid a midmorning slump. In the afternoon, it’s a nourishing midday lift at work or afterschool snack to replace high-kilojoule sweets and snack foods.

Nutrishake flavour variety offers some fun choices, too! Mix Strawberry or Vanilla flavours in orange juice and pour over ice for a refreshing drink!


Complete, high quality protein with all 22 amino acids involved in human nutrition.
Low fat: when mixed with 2% milk, one serving only contains 6 grams of fat.
Low Allergy: wheat free, corn free, low lactose.
Three yummy flavours, can be mixed with milk or fruit juice and/or whole fruits for delicious health shakes.


Mixes instantly - tastes smooth and delicious.
Provides high quality protein.
Naturally sweetened with fructose.

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Formula IV

Formula IV

A Product Ahead of Its Time!

In the years between 1920 and 1950, medical researchers began to identify and document the importance of nutrition to good health, identifying certain conditions as being caused solely by dietary deficiencies of a single nutritional component, vitamins. As a result the science of nutrition was born.

Vitamins and Minerals Alone Are Not The Whole Answer:

As researchers continued their investigation into the realm of nutrition, they found an ever increasing degree of complexity. In 1920, there were three known essential dietary vitamins and minerals. By 1930, that number had grown to 12. By 1950, there were 20 such elements considered to be essential dietary vitamins and minerals and research was beginning to show the important roles of other dietary factors.

Lipids and Sterols:

Special dietary fats known as lipids and sterols were discovered to influence nutrition at the cellular level.

Other nutritional factors, including enzymes, proteins, amino acids and a group of nutrients known by names such as “unidentified growth factors” all began to contribute to the human nutrition puzzle. It became clear that vitamins and minerals alone were not the answer.

Research + Insight = Formula IV Food Supplement:

Through a combination of science and nutritional insight, our Formula IV Food Supplement became available to a health conscious society. Containing vitamins and minerals, lipids and sterols, protein, selected enzymes and a complex array of other naturally derived dietary nutrients it represented a giant leap toward optimum dietary intake with the help of supplementation.

Unlike Any Other Product On The Market Today:

Formula IV Food Supplement differs from other nutrition supplements in that it is not just a “multi-vitamin”. It is a unique food supplement combining vitamins, minerals, protein, selected enzymes and lipids/sterols in a food concentrate formula. It is frequently imitated, but has never been successfully copied. This is due to GNLD’s exclusive use of Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates.

TRe-En-En Grain Concentrates:

Tre-en-en is a combination of grain concentrates derived by special methods of extraction from whole wheat berries, as well as from rice bran, soybeans and safflowers. It includes not just wheat germ oil or soy oil, but everything naturally available from the lipid (fatty) portion of whole grains. To these highly nutritious grain concentrates are added other naturally occurring food concentrates that provide essential vitamins, minerals, proteins and selected enzymes.

The Ideal Nutritional Supplement:

Six basic links join to form a complete chain of nutrients essential to the body’s efficient functioning: carbohydrates, lipids/sterols, proteins, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. GNLD refer to these nutrients as the “Chain of Life”. The goal of Formula IV Food Supplement is to supply five major links of the chain, excluding carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are generally present in every person’s diet, so they are not added to Formula IV Food Supplement.

Compare Formula IV Food Supplement with the standard multi-vitamin/mineral preparation on the market. These contain isolated nutrients which address only a portion of the total chain and not a complete food that supports every link necessary to form a strong nutritional “Chain of Life”.

Formula IV Food Supplement is produced under strict laboratory conditions with the same care of quality, purity and potency that has come to be expected of Golden Neo-Life Diamite International. No manufacturer goes to greater lengths to obtain premium naturally occurring source materials, to develop precisely balanced formulas or to maintain the highest level of quality control in manufacturing.

No other product even approaches the naturally occurring whole food exclusive Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates.

Size Availability:

60 capsules, 120 capsules


Contributes a well balanced nutritional base of vitamins, minerals, protein, selected enzymes and lipids and sterols to the daily diet.
Serves as a solid foundation for building a programme of nutritional supplementation.


-More than just a multi-vitamin. A unique five factor formula with vitamins, minerals, lipids and sterols and      selected enzymes.
-A complete food supplement based on Tre-en-en whole grain concentrate.
-Supports every link of the “Chain of Life” excluding only carbohydrates.
-Gelatine capsule breaks down quickly and completely ensuring maximum nutrient availability.
-Preservative free, naturally coloured.
-Potency guaranteed. Good for two years after manufacture.
-Gluten free.


Each capsule supplements the commonly present carbohydrates in the diet with other vital nutrients which are often deficient.
Tre-en-en grain concentrate helps restore essential fatty acids commonly processed out of modern foods.
A superior form of supplementation that can positively enhance the body’s general well-being.

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Boost Your PV with Liqui Vite

Liqui Vite

Dear Distributor,

Looking for a way to build a stronger Business by easily boosting your PV? Here’s some great news. As from the beginning of July 2014 the Personal Value (PV) for Liqui-Vite has increased from: 

12 PV to 15 PV per single 
72 PV to 90 PV for a case

Don’t miss this opportunity to add some Liqui-Vite to your next order. Remember to share this exciting  news with others in your team.

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Tuesday 2 September 2014

G1 Laundry

G1 Laundry Powder

A good detergent must have a great number of features. First of all, it must be able to wash away a wide variety of different types of dirt from many various types of textiles without causing any damage. In addition, it must work under varied conditions, in different types of washing machines, when washing by hand, at different temperatures, and in both hard and soft water. Finally, the washed textile must not only be clean, it should also look and feel clean. It should be soft, not have any unpleasant odour, white should be white and the colours should be clear and pure. GNLD's G1 was formulated for this purpose with all these challenges in mind.

How it Works:

Scientists have long known that soil and dirt are difficult to remove from laundry. Dirt molecules seem to have an affinity for fabrics, clinging to them, resisting attempts to dislodge them. G1 overcomes the problem.
The effective ingredient in G1 penetrates into the most difficult dirt imaginable and "lifts" the dirt out of the textile that is being washed. Mild alka-lines attack the dirt. Once the dirt has been removed, measures must be taken to prevent it from getting in touch with other garments that are being washed. G1 contains ingredients which keep the dirt in the washing water until it has been rinsed away. Furthermore, G1 also contains substances which counteract corrosion of metal parts in washing machines. G1 contains sodium perborate which is very effective in removing difficult stains and it also works at low temperatures thanks to another special component. Together with the optical brightening agents, these two latter components also make the white laundry whiter and the colours of the coloured garments brighter. It does not accumulate in the fibres and there is no risk of yellowing with repeated use.

Features & Benefits:

Effective at different temperatures and in hard or soft water
Safe on all washable fabrics
Colour-safe oxygen bleach to remove severe spots
Enzymes to break down protein and fatty stains
Free rinsing, leaving no residue to cause greying or skin irritations
No build-up of detergent scum on tubs or in pumps
Resealable inner bag to retain cleaning power

Dosage Recommendations:

Dosage depends entirely on the degree of soiling and the size of the wash load.
Heavily soiled washing generally requires higher dosage levels.
Because of the effectiveness of G1, most washing can be done at 40ºC.
For more soiled wash GNLD's Oxygen Bleach can be added.
The addition of GNLD's Oxygen Bleach requires the water temperature to be increased to 60ºC.
A scoop is available from your D.C.

Size Availability:

2 kg, 25kg.

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Monday 1 September 2014

Spring Clean!

It’s Time to Spring Clean!

It’s time to welcome in the new season with GNLD’s fresh approach to home care. Stocking up on just two GNLD Home Care essentials means that you’ll be able to perform all your chores quickly, easily and cheaply. 
GNLD’s LDC and Super 10 are both concentrated, highly effective and super economical. Happy Spring day!

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