Tuesday, 15 July 2014

NeoLifeTea - provides an immediate and safe freshness

“NeoLifeTea” – a natural blend of tea and herbs. Its components will improve your well being and provide with the needed energy.
• Provides with more energy, alertness and improved ability to focus.
• Reduces appetite

Delicious, refreshing and efficient

In the cold of the day a cup of hot, flavor-rich tea has a tendency to warm & cheer you up. What if we tell you that this tea is made of carefully selected and well matched tea herbs and it also promotes metabolism? “NeoLifeTea”- that's a great choice for those desiring to loose weight while retaining the energy which in today's world is so needed.

Loose weight while retaining energy
Our proprietary „adaptogen blend“ is a combination of  unique, carefully selected green, black and white tea sorts. Brimming with rejuvenating antioxidants, rich in natural caffeine and providing instant energy. The Adaptogen Blend includes standardized  
extracts of Panax ginseng,
All of the above are known to promote mental alertness and well-being. Does not contain any artificial sweeteners, aromas, preservatives. 

 “NeoLifeTea” a convenient choice. It is sold in small boxes containing small packets. Mixes instantly in water so you can enjoy both warm and hot versions. "NeoLifeTea" will bring benefits for your organism when enjoyed separately as well as with the weight management program. It contains only natural occuring aromas and honey. One portion contains only 5 calories. It is very simple to prepare NeoLifeTea - pour 1/2 (ca 1,8 g) of contents of a single packet into 240 ml hot or cold water, mix it and then drink it.

"NeoLifeTea" uniqueness
 A patented "Adaptogen Blend" composed of three sorts of tea, natural caffeine and green tea extract. Has a standardized volume 94% EGCG (The keycompound of the green tea. An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory)

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